Women in the Workplace

Three of the top issues women navigate in the workplace are equal pay for equal work, child rearing expectations and hurdles, and moving up the career ladder.

Living in a #MeToo World

CONTENT WARNING: This post includes topics such as sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, physical violence, and identity-based discrimination and harassment.

Double Standards

Double standards refer to rules or principles that are applied differently to one group of people or circumstances than to another without proper justification.

Become a Treatment Family Foster Home Parent

You can be short on space but big on impact   Lawrence Hall is seeking dedicated, loving parents to nurture children in our agency-owned Treatment […]

Women’s Erasure in History

“The erasure of women from history is two-fold...we are discouraged or punished for stepping outside the limited roles offered to us...and our accomplishments are often diminished, ignored or credited to men.”

Foster Care Program Receives SC Johnson Grant

The grant helps Lawrence Hall continue providing high quality Foster Care services   CHICAGO, IL — March 7, 2022 — Lawrence Hall is pleased to […]


A classic example of racial gaslighting is where a person of color describes a racist interaction, only to have it immediately questioned: “Are you sure that’s what it was about?”


The process known as code-switching is “shifting from one linguistic code (a language or dialect) to another, depending on the social context or conversational setting.” 

Black Erasure

Erasure refers to the practice of collective indifference and willful ignorance that renders certain people and groups invisible, ignoring their creation and contribution to the culture.

NBA Foundation Announces Lawrence Hall as Grantee

The NBA Foundation’s grant helps Lawrence Hall expand its workforce development programs in South Shore   CHICAGO — December 7, 2021 – The NBA Foundation […]