Have a specific question about Lawrence Hall? Don’t hesitate to reach out or send us a general inquiry through our contact form below.
(773) 769-3500
(312) 346-3383
(773) 360-5113
Employment verification[email protected]
School Transcripts[email protected]
Become a Foster Parent[email protected]
Mentoring/Volunteering[email protected]
In-kind donations[email protected]
Internships[email protected]
General inquiries[email protected]
To receive your Lawrence Hall transcript, fill out our transcript request form here, and a school official will process your request and reach out to you if they have any questions or concerns.
Contact Debbie at [email protected] for registration information and the required documents you need to get CEU credits recognized by your organization.
Due to DCFS regulations, we are unable to rent any of our facilities to the public.
Lawrence Hall was founded in 1865 to take care of the thousands of orphaned children of the Civil War.
Like many non-profits that have existed for over one hundred years, our origin was through church activities to address the social needs of the time. Our history was partially linked with the Episcopal Church. Through our organizational evolution, we became a non-religious organization that encourages our youth to pursue any belief system of their choosing. We do receive support from a myriad of faith-based organizations through donations and volunteerism.
Read more about our history here.
For all the ways you can get involved at Lawrence Hall, visit our Get Involved page.
Check out our “How do I become a Foster Parent” section, or download our Foster Parent Process Checklist to view the timeline and process. Have more specific questions? Contact Danielle at [email protected].
DCFS clearance is needed only for certain cases, so each event is taken on a case-by-case basis. Contact Francesca at [email protected] if you have questions about a specific event.
No. We are contracted through a specific background check company per DCFS requirements and must go through them for documentation purposes.
No. Our Therapeutic Day School is by referral only through Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Only children and youth who are in CPS can be referred by their current school administrators.
At this time, only youth who receive services through the Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) can be housed in our Transitional and Independent Living sites.
Most of our therapies are linked with referral-only DCFS programs and therefore cannot be offered to the public.
Thank you for thinking of us, however we are only able to accept new or individually wrapped items due to health protocols.
We are always in need of hygiene products — deodorant, dental hygiene, hand sanitizer, masks, soap, lotion — for our independent older adolescents and community programs. You can find other items we need from our Amazon list.
Lawrence Hall is a 501(c)(3) organization. Gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.
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